Called to Teach?
Cross Roads Seminary is looking for men and women called and gifted to teach. Most classes will meet for 3 hours every-other week, or an hour and a half each week. Classes may meet on Saturday morning or during the evening,

We have a full range of courses including Bible, theology, practical ministry and counseling. As a new seminary just getting started, we will offer a class for any subject where we can get a minimum enrollment of 4 or more students.

Click on the Academics Tab for a potential list of courses.

Mentors & Project Leaders
Students are required to participate in ministry projects. We are looking for men and women with a heart for ministry and gifts for leadership to lead and/or supervise student projects.

Qualifications for Teaching
Potential faculty member should meet the following qualifications:

  • Agree with Cross Road's Statement of Faith
  • Have a master's degree or higher to teach in master's level courses
  • Have a doctorate to teach doctoral level courses. Persons with a master's degree and 7 or more years of experience who are enrolled in the doctoral program as a student may also teach doctoral courses

Please contact us by email to get more information.


What We Believe